Program – 5th International conference – Water for tomorrow- final
Friday, October 11th 2019
Rogaška Slatina – Rijeka – Karlovac – Rogaška Slatina
6.30–7.00 Arrival of participants and registration, Hotel Slovenija, Rogaška Slatina
7.00 Departure with an organized bus towards Croatia; pause and breakfast packs at the motorway stop
10.00 Arrival in the drinking water reservoir Zvir in Rijeka, Croatia
10.00–10.15 Welcome speeches
B. Sc. C.E. Andrej Marochini, General manager, Waterworks and sewerage treatment Rijeka, Croatia
Majda Adlešić, Program manager Water agency Association, Slovenia
Main theme: Water management – projects, problems and solutions
10.15–12.05 Lectures and presentations
10.10-10.25 B.Sc.C.E. Andrej Marochini: Project drainage system and wastewater treatment – agglomeration Rijeka, KD Waterworks and sewerage Rijeka, Croatia
10.25 – 10.40 Maja Božić and Kristijan Kolaković: Water weells Borlin – example of an efective managenet and protection of the site as water resource and cultural heritage of Kalovac, Water supply and sewerage ltd., Karlovac, Croatia
10.40 – 10.55 Marina Marčetić: Water seweragein Novi Sad – Past, presentation and Future, PU Water supply and sewerage system, Novi Sad, Serbia
10.55 – 11.10 Valéria Tóth Godó : International and cross border cooperation of water supply and sewerage organizations , Waterworks Szeged, Hungary
11.10 – 11.25 Špela Arh Marinčić and Jože Leskovar, Implementation of communal activities at the company Kostak: Water supply and sewerage, Kostak d.d. Krško, Slovenia
11.25 – 11.40 Ondřej Vavrečka, M.Sc: Surprising properties of water, Tieto Czech s.r.o. Ostrava , Czech Republic
11.40 –11.50 Discussion
11.50 – 12.30 Break and lunch
12.30 – 13.30 Visit the Zvir, a spring and a drinking water reservoir in Rijeka
Zvir is the richest spring in the Rijeka area and water from it supplies the Rijeka zone from the right bank of the Rječina to Opatija, but it also has the capacity of supplying water to the entire Rijeka zone. It is situated in Vodovodna Street, only 1.7 km from the sea. This spring never runs out of water and has been in use since 1894., when the old part of the city of Rijeka, 9 years after the city of Sušak (today a part of Rijeka), got a public water supply. Most probably fresh water from the spring was used during ancient times for the need of Roman Tarsatica.
13.30 Departure from Rijeka
15.00 Arriving in Aquatika – Freshwater aquarium Karlovac, Croatia
15.10 – 15.20 Welcome speeches
M.Sc. Margarita Marušić Kulaš, General manager, Aquatika – Freshwater aquarium, Karlovac
M.Sc.Korana Ambrozić, Wastewater treatment plant, Waterworks Slavonski Brod
The main topic: The threat to the quality of drinking water, the recycling of waste water and its reuse
14.45–16.00 Lectures
15.20–15.35 PhD. Samuel Appelbaum and Ofer Guy: Water resources and their uses in the Negev desert highlands of Israel, Ben-Gurion University, Israel
15.35–15.50 Ana Robb and Ivana Kordić: Plastic Free Zlarin – the story of how one small island decided to make one big change, La Révolution Albatross association, Croissy France, Inicijativa Zlarin bez plastike, Croatia
15.50–16.05 Darija Šajin and Branislav Vukotić: Strengthening resilience of local communities to natural disasters through networking, Arhus centar Novi Sad, Serbia
16.05–16.20 Daniela Stojković Jovanović: Central Waste Water Treatment Plant (CWWTP) in Vrbas, NGO World & Dunav, Novi Sad, Serbia
16.20–16.35 M.Sc Danijel Gospić: Slovenia increase trout production with simultaneous reduction of water footprint? G2O d.o.o., Šmarje pri Jelšah, Slovenia
16.35–16.50 Milan Ugljanin: Innovation in irrigation and ecology, Ingel-Agro d.o.o. Novi Sad, Serbia
16.50–17.00 Discucssion
17.00 – 18.40 Visiting Aquatika – Freshwater aquarium and Central Waste water treatment plant Karlovac
The city of Karlovac is the place of four rivers – Kupa, Korana, Mrežnica and Dobra – the right location for the presentation of the natural wealth of fresh water. The idea of building an aquarium in Karlovac is based on the desire to create this natural and cultural richness with an emphasis on water, into a recognizable attraction. The European Union has perceived the potential of the idea and supported the project; Of the total of 144 applications received, the project was among the 15 selected ones.
The waste water treatment plant of the towns of Karlovac and Duga Resa was built in the framework of the ISPA project, the first communal project in the Republic of Croatia, co-financed with the pre-accession funds of the European Union. The complex consists of three stages of wastewater treatment and started operations on May 30, 2011.
18.40 Departure from Karlovac
20.00 Arriving to Rogaška Slatina, dinner
Saturday, October 12th 2019
Rogaška Slatina – Ana’s Maison
8.00–8.30 Arrival of participants and registration
8.30–8.40 Welcome speeches
Jože Cvetko, President of Water agency Association, Slovenia
PhD. Tatjana Kikec, President of Organizing committee of conference
M.Sc. Branko Kidrič, Mayor of Municipality Rogaška Slatina
8.40–8.50 Music program: Pegazove muze, a group of musical girls with artistic director Kaja Bicskey
Main topic: Water as theme in the educational process
8.50–10.45 Lectures
8.50–9.05 PhD. Mitja Bricelj: Participation of young people in the international Sava River Basin, Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Slovenia, Slovenia,
9.05–9.20 Prof.PhD.PhD. Ana Vovk Korže: Plastics in Water, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Maribor, Slovenia,
9.20–9.35 PhD. Tatjana Kikec: Project the Water agents of Podravje region, Water agency Association, Slovenia
9.35–9.45 Certification of a “special treatment plant” Henkel Maribor ltd.
9.45–10.00 M.Sc. Rosemarie Zehetgruber: Water in secondary schools – Example to inspire teens for water drinking , gutessen consulting, Austria
10.00–10.15 Aleksandra Dejanović: Project Water Magic – Drinking Water in Novi Sad, PU Water supply and sewerage Novi Sad, Serbia
10.15–10.30 M.Sc. Karin Kaiblinger: Waterschool – European Online Platform for Pedagogues, Water supplier and Municipalities, gutessen consulting, Austria
10.30–10.45 De Raedt Sarah: Project W – Worldwise With Water, Join for Water, Belgium
10.45–10.55 Discussion
10.55–11.25 Break and refreshment
11.25–13.20 Lectures
11.25–11.40 Vesna Trampuš: Water – Learning for Life in 3. and 4. grades of Primary school, Primary School France Prešeren, Maribor, Slovenia
11.40–11.55 Tanja Hanželič: More knowledge for more water, Primary school Angela Besednjaka, Maribor, Slovenia
11.55–12.10 Valerija Krivec: Water – a gift of nature, Primary school Žetale, Žetale,Slovenia
12.10–12.25 Maša Petan Omejec: Water, Game, Life, Primary school Leskovec pri Krškem, Slovenia
12.25–12.40 Alida Domijan and Bojana Bastašić: Water agents of Rijeka,Water supply and sewerage Rijeka and Primary school Brajda, Rijeka, Croatia
12.40–12.55 Zdravka Ciglenečki and Marina Lucin: Ecology and Water protection at Primary school Jure Kaštelan, PS Jure Kaštelan Zagreb, Croatia
12.55–13.10 Marija Vizner and Samra Polić: Youth education through the project frisco1 in the framework of the Slovenia – Croatia cross-border cooperation programme, Hrvatske vode, Croatia
13.10–13.20 Discussion
13.20–14.20 Break and lunch
14.20–16.00 Good practice presentations
– Lidija Šešerko: Research of water resources in Žetale and surrounding, Primary school Žetale, Žetale, Slovenia
– Renata More: “Water for tomorrow?” Urgent today, please! ” Primary School Sostro, Ljubljana, Slovenia
– Ina Abram: Kids and Water, Primary school Leskovec pri Krškem, Slovenia
– Bojana Dimc: For me, For you, For us, Primary school Jurija Dalmatina, Krško, Slovenia
– Dominika Slokar De Lorenzi: Educating experiments on topic of water, Primary school Sostro, Ljubljana, Slovenia
– Nuška Ogorevc and Anica Butkovič : Gabernica Water Educating Trail, Primary school Maksa Pleteršnika, Association for tourism Pišece, Slovenia
– Robert Gajšek: Drops, Primary school Šentjur, Slovenia
– Jože Cvetko: Mobile water station, Water agency Association, Rogaška Slatina, Slovenia
– Jože Papež and Marija Vizner: Flood models and educational materials from the project FRISCO 1, Hidrotehnik Ljubljana, Slovenia and Hrvatske vode, Croatia
– PhD. Nejc Bezak, Klaudija Sapač, PhD. Mojca Šraj in PhD. Katarina Zabret: Workshops related with topic of Water, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
– De Raedt Sarah: Project W – Worldwise With Water, Join for Water, Belgium
16.00–17.00 High water marking in cooperation with the Municipality of Rogaška Slatina and the Primary school Rogaška Slatina, center of Rogaška Slatina
17.00 Conclusion of the International conference – Water for Tomorrow
During the conference, the materials of the projects Water Agent and project Introduce and preserve the waters of Slovenia, our natural and cultural wealth. will be exhibited at Ana’s Maison.
Important dates:
July 12th 2019 | Invitation on conference |
July 12th – September 30th 2019 | Registration on conference |
July 31st 2019 | Reporting of papers (title and abstract) |
August 10th 2019 | Notice to the authors of the received papers |
August 30th 2019 | Deadline for submitting a papers |
September 30th 2019 | Deadline for paying the registration fee |
October 5th 2019 | Send a ppt presentation or poster |
October 11th & 12th 2019 | International conference Water for tomorrow |
To apply for the conference, fill in the application form on the website
You will receive a confirmation of successful registration for the conference in person, by e-mail.
For any questions, please contact us at e-mail
The closing date for the conference participants is September 30th 2019.
The official languages of the conference are: Slovenian, English, Croatian and Serbian
Registration fee
The fee for participation in the conference on both days (Friday and Saturday) is 90 EUR.
Registration fee for one day conference (Friday or Saturday) is 55 EUR.
Registration fee within two overnight stays at the Hotel Slovenia is 180 EUR.
Registration fee within three overnight stays at the Hotel Slovenia is 230 EUR.
The fee is paid by lecturers and participants. Participation for employees in education is free of charge, only pay the cost of overnight stays in case of staying.
Registration fee includes: conference material, Proceeding of conference papers, conference certificate (certificates can be submitted for promotions in titles), refreshments (water, juice, coffee, tea), lunches (two / three days) and dinners / three days).
Checkout and replacement of participants. Cancellations are accepted up to two days before the start (48 hours) of the conference. We will charge a fee for all those who will be logged in and will not attend the conference (will not sign out). If you can not attend the conference, you can notify the name of the alternate participant who will participate in the conference.
Organizing committee of the conference:
PhD. Tatjana Kikec, Water agency
Majda Adlešić,Water agency
Jože Cvetko, Water agency
B.Sc.C.E. Andrej Marochini, Waterworks and sewerage, Rijeka
Alida Domijan, Waterworks and seweerage, Rijeka
M.Sc. Margarita Maruškić Kulaš, Aqautika – Freshwater aquarium, Karlovac
Maja Božić, Waterwork and sewerage, Karlovac
M.Sc. Danijel Gospić, G2O, Šmarje ob Jelšah
M.Sc. Korana Ambrozić, Wastewater plant,Waterworks Slavonski Brod
Expert committee:
PhD. Tatjana Kikec
M.Sc. Aljaž Čoh
M.Sc. Korana Ambrozić
M.Sc. Danijel Gospić
Anton Strniša
Water agency Association
Partners and sponsors:
Aquatika – Freshwater aquarium Karlovac
Kostak d. d. Krško
Public utility for communal services Rogaška Slatina
Hotel Slovenija, Rogaška Slatina
Fishfarming Gospić d.o.o., Šmarje pri Jelšah