Questionnaire WEP EFFECT 2020

WEP EFFECT – Water Educational Program 2020

September 25th  &  26th  2020

The Cultural Center Rogaška Slatina, Slovenia

THE TOPIC OF THE FESTIVAL WEP EFFECT – Water Educational Program 2020: “EDUCATION ON WATER – Sustainable communication with the public”, has become far more current and significant than before the pandemic. In the new post Covid-19 world, education about water is much needed from its health and general existential aspect as well as from the strategic or aspect of its conservation in nature. The story of water has never been more topical. Surrounded by uncertainty, we are looking for tools, advice and inspiration. The Water agency has been running educational programs Water Agent for seven years, giving great attention to washing hands and regularly hydrating. Instructed by experience during the COVID 19 crisis, we designed a new project of intergenerational connections “Washing hands protect your health”. With Festival WEP EFFECT – Water Educational Program 2020, we want to show what these programs have been like so far and what is changing in them in the future. We would introduce that many water supply and water management companies and institutions work on educational programs. Festival would be organized in the framework of the European Sustainable Development Week 2020.

The PROGRAM is organized through two-day activities:

The first day, Friday, September 25th 2020, is planned for the presentation of educational programs on water and educational programs on other areas dealt with by public utility companies in order to preserve water: waste separation, collection of edible oil and the like. The program contents will be presented in the competition part which is evaluated by the expert jury; and in the part of the program without evaluation. We also, would invite publicly funded companies, institutions that deal with the topic of water and conservation of water resources through various educational contents like museums etc. The second part of the program on Friday, September 25th, will be dedicated to the presentation of public utility companies through the aspect of business problems during the COVID 19 crisis and how they solved those problems. We place special emphasis on the great dilemma of how well the SARS COVID 19 virus survives in water, wastewater, groundwater and saltwater. And how to overcome that?

The second day, Saturday, September 26th 2020, is intended for the presentation of teachers from Primary schools and kindergartens who participate in the implementation of the project Water agent. After the presentation, if circumstances allow, we will visit the First Primary School Rogaška Slatina. This school has been active in the project Water Agent for 4 years; it is a partner in the Erasmus + project Wat.Edu and this year they built a part of the schoolyard with waterproof concrete in cooperation with the Water agency and the company  Holcim.

At the FESTIVAL WEP EFFECT – Water Educational Program 2020, we plan to implement all protective measures, in accordance with the recommendations of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the World Health Organization that will be valid at the time of the event. Masks, disinfectants and space between places are provided for all participants.

Subscribe to our mailing list via e. mail:  and expect  further information about the organization of the FESTIVAL WEP EFFECT  – Water Educational Program 2020 in Rogaška Slatina, on September 25th  and 26th, 2020.

Organizing committee:

Prof. Dr. Jože Lipnik, President of the Organizing Committee

Jože Cvetko, President of the Water agency Association

Majda Adlešić, program director of the Water agency Association

WEP EFFECT 2020 Programm 1